Schaefer IT Consulting
369 Montezuma Ave #373
Santa Fe, NM 87501
office: 505.570.1114
If you would like to email us directly, use this form:
Schaefer IT Consulting
369 Montezuma Ave #373
Santa Fe, NM 87501
office: 505.570.1114
If you would like to email us directly, use this form:
Our internet would go down 3 to 4 times a week because of heavy usage from our patrons. After Schaefer Consulting installed their special wireless router and worked their network magic, it never goes down!!
"Our Office has a Server and Computer Network, initially set up by Schaefer Consulting. I remember the Schaefer Specialists to be friendly, skilled, and efficient technicians when they were here installing and setting up our systems. Everything works so flawlessly, every system functioning perfect and elegantly, that I resent not having the chance to see Jason and the other specialists more often. Alas, sometimes computers can work too well."
Communication Workers of America